Saturday, October 30, 2010

My blogging has reached an all-time high. Three posts in one week? Who do I think I am? Some world-traveler that's got exciting stories to share?

Here's my new mantra: When the going gets tough, the tough get blogging.

See what I did there?

...Anyways. I'm about 8 pages into this Old Testament paper, and hardly through 1st Samuel. So, I'm off to immerse myself in all things coffee-shop and let my skin slowly graft to my chair and not leave until this paper is done.

Or at least until I have to come back and get ready for work.
That's right. Return of the full tuxedo tonight.

It's been so long.


  1. At the risk of seeming to stalk you- I thought I'd comment again. I think you're hilarious. You're almost as funny as me- and if you keep having epiphanies that leave you with new mantra's like the one above, you're bound to surpass me in no time. Don't worry though, I'm considering still associating with you when that happens.

    Keep up the good blogging!

  2. haha, thanks for still reading. even though i don't have good stories about curry armpits or anything anymore.
