Wednesday, December 29, 2010

chag yom yeshua

My aunt had a roll of Christmas wrapping paper with cats on it.
That's not very Christmasy- say you.
Oh, but wait. The cats wore santa hats.
And, underneath each snapshot of the varying cat varieties was written: meowy Christmas.

That cracks me up. Someone says Merry Christmas! I think, Meowy. Meowy Christmas. Sometimes I even say it out loud.

The Cats didn't make a cameo this year, although I seriously considered free-handing it on the wrapping of my dad's present (Mark Twain Autobiography. SO NEAT). Then I thought better of it- considering when I tried to draw a unicorn on the outside of a letter I recently sent to a friend, I managed to make the unicorn iodine deficient evidenced by a massive (unintentional) goiter on his magical unicorn neck.

But it was a good Christmas. How could it be anything else? Kansas City with family. Excellent food. Card games. Spending the first few hours of the day sitting in the living room with everyone drinking coffee, talking, reading. Oh, is this heaven? Ok. I'll take it.

The first time my immediate family has been all together in 8 months. Come on people, let's not do this to each other again. Too long.

Meowy Christmas.

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