Monday, September 6, 2010

to my fossil

My sister has fallen off the face of the blogging earth. This is sort of a call to bring her back to the blog world, because I miss hearing her voice in her writing.

Also, I secretly imagine us to be like a cjane and nienie. Two funny, articulate, talented blogging sisters.

Well...minus the whole being mormon thing. Oh yeah, and neither of us have children. Or husbands. And neither of us almost died in a plane crash. But--

Whatever, basically the only thing is that we're related and we both have blogs and we both like each other.

So, come back sweet sister. Please?

Hm. In other news:

I went to the wedding of one of my oldest friends yesterday. She is absolutely exquisite. So happy for her and her new grown-up hubby.

After the ceremony as all the men were smoking cigars (that's weird, right? cigars after a wedding?) I was standing and talking to my dad. And all of a sudden, upon me were the aunt and cousin of the groom. After a brief introduction and the mention of being a women's ministry major at good ol' MBI, Aunt asked the question:

"do you have a boyfriend?"

"no, I do not have a boyfriend."

"Well, then may I introduce my nephew to you!"

I mean, I'm a pretty awkward person. But I don't think that all of my years of awkward could have prepared me for the feeling of being set up by the aunt of the groom at my best friend's wedding to a boy I had just met.

After we (me and future husband...kidding) blushed, the conversation slowly fizzled and that was that.

So, stay tuned. I'm sure there's a fairy tale ending in there somewhere.


1 comment:

  1. glad to have another follower and believer of JESUS CHRIST to follow. It is really encouraging to be able to meet other women that are walking strong in their faith :)! god is so awesome and I'm excited to follow you and witness how he works in your life!!

    P.s. i think the wedding post was hilarious. I have never had anyone try to hook me up with someone but I would sure be flattered if they did :). lol
