Monday, September 13, 2010

home is where you keep your underwear

I should be in the shower. Or in bed.
Or studying for that C-Doc exam that's due tomorrow.

But, here I am. On the computer. Thought I was turning over a new life, didn't you?
Me too.

Don't worry Mom and Dad. I did a ton of reading today--all's not lost.

But, I was struck as I was looking at some friends' blogs...the way that they talk about the Lord. And the outpouring of love that they're somehow managing to convey without sounding mushy or unreal. It's like, they've ingested some kind of radioactive Jesus-love and they're literally glowing. Even in their writing they ooze and writhe with joy-love from and for the Father.

I used to be like that I think. No, I'm not saying that I've stopped loving the Lord, but I think somehow amidst the legality of defining my beliefs and questioning everything and trying to establish a firm foundation of faith in Jesus, I've sort of lost the romance of it all.

Like, ok. Ponder this: the first time you realize it's friday afternoon and you're almost to the weekend and you've got some seriously great plans and no homework and the weather is right...not to mention you're having a great hair day. You know, how your stomach starts to do flips of joyful anticipation and you're radiant and beaming, and practically prancing from your class to your dorm or home or wherever you keep your underwear....

Well, isn't that like small potatoes when compared to realizing that we've been saved by grace by Jesus' ultimate sacrifice? That the God that hung the stars up in the universe made sure that you're belly button was exactly the way He wanted it to be- inny or outy. He took the time to make sure that you had a nice layer of skin to keep all of your precious little organs in place, and he also created the Himalayan mountain range.

Somehow I feel more excited for the weekend.

So we do we get back to the romance? How do we begin to train our hearts to fawn over the face of the One that we have not seen?

I think we pray for "more". More love. More joy. More growth. More discernment. More delighting in God and less in man.

Or men, as the case may be...Just sayin'.

I think I'm going to take a day off to go on a date with God.

1 comment:

  1. yes!! amen girl. He is the best love we could ever know. I think that the romance dies in our relationship with Christ *for me at least* when I am not seeking him on MY OWN. Apart from my sisters, brothers, family, church...etc. But when I choose to wake up and say THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE and I will Be GLAD IN IT, and open up his word and read and fall in love with him.

    I am sooo far from where I want to be *LORD KNOWS* but I know he is with me and you in all of our imperfections. Thankfully we don't have to worry because perfection will never exist in these earthly, decaying bodies. We have eternal life to look forward too!! woo woo


    p.s. I needed this girl!
