Monday, January 9, 2012

marcus johnson, you rule!

Nerd Alert:
I am thrilled for my classes this semester.

Here's why,
"Admittedly, it is difficult to schematize temporally the boundless riches of God's saving grace exercised from eternity passed to eternity future."

I mean, if that's not a hysterical statement I don't know what is.

Well, except for this:
when asked to share an interesting fact about oneself to large class of counseling and pastoral students, I shared:
"I wasn't potty trained until I was three and half."
professor of class called "Ministry to Women in Pain" replies: 
"Woah. Maybe you need some counseling. Sounds like you've got some things to work through..."

Welcome school year 2012. You win.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Thinking, praying, pondering (procrastinating) how this blog will change with the new year- a happy new one to you, by the way.

It just seems useless to have an online journal where I'm trying to be funny and transparent, but not so funny as to be cruel. And then to be not too transparent so that you're not yanking at your proverbial tie thinking, "gosh, it suddenly got uncomfortably stuffy in here..."

So, since I'm not traveling (see June-August 2010) and I'm not going to try to emotionally blarther with a thin veil of humor (see all other posts) I need to do something else with the blog.

If I want all parts of me to count for eternity (a big concept, we can discuss that later if you want) then my blog should be a part of that too.

I'll keep you posted.