Sunday, May 30, 2010

final countdown

"Now many of you don't know this, but Turkey and Iran are now coming together to invest in the extraction of the natural sources of Uranium, and perfect the engineering of the bomb that they will use to launch this massive atomic uranium bomb on Israel. And then America...blah blah blah blah"

...I'm beginning to tune out of this sermon because all I am getting from this guy is the fact that I am dead. meat.

At three days until my launch into the far reaches of the earth, I had woken up massively anxious. My mind was racing, trying to sort through everything that I need to get done, all of the things that I didn't finish yet, how was I going to pack ten weeks worth of clothing, shoes, necesities etc. into a not large pack...Decided that it would be a good idea to get myself to Church to spend some time thinking about things that were True, Lovely, Admirable etc etc and not what was going to give me a premature ulcer. So I decided to check out a church that I had visited a lot when I was in high school when I had rehearsals or events on Saturdays and had to miss time at Olive Tree. I was slightly discouraged to find that a guest pastor was preaching, but almost "jubileed" (spontaneous dancing...great word though, right?) when he said that he was speaking about the Holy Land! I almost turned to the lady next to me and exclaimed, "I'll be there in less than a week!" I contained myself though, and poised my pen ready to take note.

10 minutes later, my heart is racing, my palms are sweating, and I'm squirming anxiously in my seat while mentally kicking myself for going to church alone. After hearing the little bit on uranium bombs I was thinking that this would be an appropriate time to share some nervous laughter with someone I know, or politely ask if I can borrow their inhaler because I am feeling myself begin to hyperventilate. In a word, I was fearful I can see a little more clearly now that this heart racing, mind spinning, get-me-out-of-this-church-pew fear that I was experiencing was not simply a product of a pre-trip jitters.

I think, it was a form of spiritual attack, by way of a sermon of all things!

Satan certainly is crafty...

Luckily, the Lord prevails. And while The Deceiver is at work to try to pelt my heart with doubts and fears, cold feet, second guessing, the Lord has gone before me to prepare a way for me and the team that I am serving with. I think that I have just been affirmed in the fact that I really cannot do this summer without a total dependence on Yeshua, that every good thing will be a tangible reality that His grace really is sufficient and His love knows no bounds.

I am comforted by the promise of His faithfulness not only to me, but to the people Israel.

Fear, mostly quelled. Excitement, all time high. Can't wait to see where Jesus lived!

Thanks for praying,

Thursday, May 20, 2010

the beginning

"Now, are you aware of the hazards and risks to your health and general well being for this trip Rachel?" asked Lynn, the lovely nurse from the health clinic.

"Uh...wear sunscreen and bugspray, right?" I didn't really want to know all of the gory details of how I was voluntarily launching my life into great peril. I came to the clinic to get whatever immunization I needed for protection against any infectious diseases know, death.

Lynn looked at me and smiled. And then whipped out, a 16 page document chalk full of every disease, bug, parasite, virus, infection, or illness that I could possibly contract in Israel or India. After going over the troubles of dengue fever, typhoid, travelers diarrhea, hepatitis a-c, polio, measles, japanese encephalitis, and rabies(NOM) Lynn paused for a breath and looked me in the eyes.

"We need to talk about Malaria."

Turns out I have three options for Malaria vaccinations, only at best 92% effective. One involves night terrors, extreme anxiety, and hallucinations. True life, I am already a weenie and do not need any medication that will induce what I can achieve on my own, thank you very much. The second option, is acne medication. Pros and cons to this one. I'll have great skin while in India, but will also be extremely susceptible to sunburn. Also have to take is for 6 weeks following the trip. Eh. The third option sounds great. No massive side effects, quite effective in staving off malaria. Downside? Pricy.

After more directions on how to stay well whilst overseas from Lynn, and me suggesting that perhaps I should just wear the DEET treated mosquito net like a burkha for real surefire protection (Lynn wasn't as amused at that as I was...) I got my shots, and some cute Band-Aids. I mean, seriously cute Band-Aids.

Despite my sore arms and a whole new set of fears for this trip, I am really excited. Excited to see the Lord at work. Excited to meet Him in His Land. Excited to grow, be challenged, establish relationships with these new people that I've never known before. Excited to have community with other Jewish believers in Messiah Jesus. What a rich experience this will be.

I am glad that you are reading this now. I am hoping that you will be able to follow along on this blog and be encouraged and challenged. Hope that these posts provide specific ways for you to be praying for the effectiveness in reaching God's Chosen People with His testament of faithfulness: the Messiahship of Jesus! Also am hoping that you will be able to laugh with me as I'm sure that this summer will conjure funny/awkward/hysterical situations-- like wrapping mosquito netting around myself to fend off things like malaria. Pesky little illness, that one.

Shalom shalom,